Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday and "Video Games"

So yesterday I was miserably tired.  The plan was to go home from work and then GO TO SLEEP.  Immediately.
Well, then I decided that I wanted to eat chicken and avocado for dinner.  So I went to the commissary. 
An hour later, I emerged from the commissary with chicken, avocado, and most of the necessary ingredients for granola (would you believe they don't stock brown sugar?!).  I went back to my room, toppled onto my bed, and was out for about half an hour.  
That's when I woke up and remembered that if the chicken didn't get to the freezer eventually I would have to cook all of that damn poultry right then and there.  
The avocados weren't ripe.  They never are when I buy them from the commissary, but I was too lazy to go off base.  So instead I made some brown rice and cooked up the chicken in some peanut sauce and then complained on facebook about how freakin LONG brown rice takes to cook.
Any tips for making brown rice?  Cuz I ended up with rice that was a bit overcooked/soggy.
A girl in my squadron that I don't hang out with too awful much "liked" my post about chicken and rice.  She lives upstairs from me, so I was like "come on down and eat!".  So she did.  That was around six, and she didn't leave until around 11.  When she finally went back to her room I was left wondering, "why the fuck don't we hang out more often?".  She's really awesome, and we get along uber well (hence her staying for five hours).  
Instant new friend. 
Speaking of friends, I don't know if I told y'all, but my friend Kevin is coming to visit me!  He's from Minnesota.  I initially "met" him while I was in high school.  My boarding school only allowed e-mail privileges for those students on honor roll.  Well, I was, but my best friend Jamie had piss poor grades.  She wanted to keep in touch with her friend Kevin, but her parents had put very strict mail restrictions on her.  She was only allowed to get letters from and send letters to certain people.  He wasn't one of them.  Being the rebellious teen I was, she would write a note for him and I'd e-mail it, then I'd print out the e-mails from him and give them to her.  We were too smooth to get caught (except almost once when her dorm Mother went through the trash and found the note where Jamie initially asked me to do all this.  She lied and said I had refused.).  Then eventually Kevin and I became e-mail buddies.  I would e-mail him for me AND for Jamie.  This worked out nicely, because if anyone asked, I could say I was just e-mailing MY friends.  Perfecto.  
In 2009?  Yeah.  I think 2009 was the year...anyway, in 2009 Kevin came to NY to visit me!  He stayed for about a week, and then I went to visit him later that year.  Actually, 2010 sounds more correct.  Cuz I think he came AFTER I did the college thing for a semester, and then I visited him while I was working at the school.  Yup.  2010.
Anyways, he's one of my bestest friends ever.  We talk on the phone constantly, but have stopped e-mailing except when he needs me to proof his papers for school.  So we've gotten away from our roots, but we've definitely maintained a strong friendship over the past 4 years or so.
Wow.  4 years.  That's crazy.  
AND HE'S COMING TO VISIT ME!  His plane gets in at midnight.  I told him that a midnight arrival was extremely rude.  He knows I won't leave him at the airport, so he didn't switch it.  He'll be staying until Wednesday, and then he's renting a car and driving up to my parent's house to visit the family until Saturday.  Then he's flying home.


  1. I think I remember Kevin. Did he come to church with you one Sunday?
